Is security technology working for you
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Listen to the video to learn about::

1. PKI, the construction material can help bring accountability to the information infrastructure.

2. PKIDR (PKI Done Right) the approach of applying PKI technology to achieve a level of authenticity where digital signatures backed by measurably reliable identity certificates that are owned by their users and which provide privacy via accountable Anonymity.

3. Why Security technology has failed us.

Take advantage of our offer for a free eBook “Don’t Get Norteled” which describes how a company worth hundreds of billions dollars was sent into a quick bankruptcy after the passwords of seven key executives were compromised. “

The Equifax breach cost a mere $280 million.

Read about the breach that cost a thousand times that much!

Don’t Get Norteled by Wes Kussmaul
Don't Get Norteled by Wes Kussmaul

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